Friday, March 15, 2013

Jonah: A Follow the Leader Skit

This is an interactive Jonah story for use with a Sunday School class or your own children. 
One person reads the story aloud, another pantomimes
the instructions written in parenthesis and students follow.

God sent Jonah to Nineveh (Point into the distance.) to warn the people (Shake your finger.) of that huge city to repent (Place palms together in prayer.) and change their wicked ways (Wiggle fingers atop your heads like horns.) or die (Pretend to stab your heart.)

But Jonah did not want to go. (Cross your arms, shake your head, and frown.) He boarded a ship (Grab two oars and row.) traveling the opposite direction. (Look back over your shoulder toward Nineveh and frown. Then look ahead again and keep rowing.) He climbed down into the hold to take a nap. (Place your palms together, lay your head on them and close your eyes in sleep.)

God did not like that. (Put your hands on your hips and look angry.) He flung a strong wind over the sea (Make a throwing motion.) nearly sinking Jonah’s ship. (Sink slowly to the floor, looking desperate.)

In order to save their own lives (Look worried, tremble and point at yourself.) the sailors on the ship with Jonah tossed him into the sea. (Grab an imaginary Jonah and toss him overboard.) The storm stopped immediately. (Cover your mouth with your hands and look around in round-eyed shock and awe.)

Jonah sank deep into the sea (Pinch your nose and sink to the floor.) and a big fish swam up (Hold your arms behind you as fins and sway through the water.) and swallowed him whole. (Open your mouth wide and gobble up Jonah.)

For three days (Hold up three fingers.) and three nights (Hold up three fingers on the other hand.) Jonah prayed for help. (Put your hands together in prayer.)

Finally, (Wipe your hand across your forehead in a Whew! motion.) God told the fish to spit him out. (Put both hands around your throat and pretend to gag and spit.)

Jonah was so happy. (Jump around laughing and praising.) He walked all the way to Nineveh. (Walk in place.) He walked for many, many days. (Slump your shoulders in exhaustion and keep walking.) When he arrived in Nineveh, he warned the people to ask God for forgiveness and stop sinning. (Shake your finger sternly.)

And they did! (Fall to your knees and lift your hands in prayer.)

God forgave them and spared thousands of lives. (Leap around celebrating.)

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